Another wonderful edition to the Stark family is coming this November! After 4 years of trying to conceive we finally gave birth to our lovely daughter Eliana February 2012. We discovered in March that we were expecting this time with no medical help. A completely welcomed surprise!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Eliana at 6 months

Time flies way too quickly.  I cannot believe she just turned 6 months.  Ellie as we affectionately call her, now sits on her own, will roll over continuously until she gets to the other side of the room.   She’s looking like she will crawl any day now. She is very social.  She loves to interact with people but she also has times where she just sits and observes.  Overall she is a very happy baby.  Her laughter fills the room, and she loves to repeat things that make mommy and daddy laugh.  

Saturday, May 12, 2012

 Eliana taking a nap at 2 and half months
Eliana saying grace at 3 weeks.  She interlocked her fingers on her own!

3 Months Already!

Time is flying by!  Eliana is now 3 months.
Eliana at 3 months -
She smiles constantly.  Our favorite is the nose crinkle smile - just melts our hearts.
The last week - every time she gets in the car looks out the window and chats the whole drive (unless she falls asleep first).
She now loves to chat while she eats - I think she will be quite the social bug.
She is starting to sleep at least 5 hours most nights, some up to 8!  YAY!! ( Mommy loves that)
She loves to stand (supported of course)
Loves bath time!
Loves when people talk and sing to her.
Can roll over, hold her head up and is so alert, especially in public places - I really think she will be quite social!
If you haven't met her yet - give me a call I would love to introduce her to you!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Eliana - at one month

I cant believe that Eliana is one month old already!  Time is just flying by.  She is healthy and doing well.  The sweet girl still has her nights and days backwards so mommy and daddy are still experiencing sleepless nights, but God gives you such an amazing grace for this season.  I never imagined that I could function on such little sleep.  My dear mom has been a life saver and given us times of rest as well.
Stay tuned!!  I do plan to continue to post updates and pictures soon!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Shes here. Click on the picture above to see her video.

Eliana Norma Stark
God has answered our prayers with a gift of sunlight
who is full of courage and great strength.

Behind the Name:

Eliana –
The day after it was confirmed that we were pregnant, Dave went out and bought our first Baby Name Book.  We spent several hours that day sitting on our patio reading through names.  Some names made it on the possible list, some names were immediately crossed off and others brought great laughter. 
Throughout the next few weeks we each spent time with the book and marked the names that we liked.  I have had names that I have liked since I was little but none of them felt right when I sat with them and tried to apply them to this life inside of me.  As I read through the book, I came across Eliana.  To my knowledge, I had never heard it before.  The spelling caught me at first, and then I read the meaning.  It is originally a Hebrew name that mean’s “The Lord has responded,” or “God has answered our prayers.”  That is exactly how I feel about this beautiful baby inside me.  So Eliana suddenly took the number one place on my list. 
I continued to write down other names that I liked, but none seemed to feel right except Eliana.  As I researched the name further I found that in Arabic it means “sun” or “sunlight”, and one of the websites mentioned it meant “gift.”  It was in my research of the name, that I came across the “Elianas Song.”  I cry every time I hear it.  I would have loved to write her a namesake song, but this one by Watermark completely encapsulates how I feel. 
I love names that are unique and have a strong meaning.  So my goal was that the name was not on the top 100 most popular.  Dave wanted a great meaning as well, but wanted to avoid a name that was too unique.  I had been a little nervous that Dave would consider Eliana too unique. 
I prayed and told God that if Eliana was to be her name, the name would grow on Dave and if there was a different name to please change my heart.  I began to find some other names that I felt I could live with, when Dave told me Eliana was really growing on him.  We put it to prayer and from that day on, it was the only name that has felt appropriate for our miracle baby.

Norma -  Is Daves paternal grandmother who he absolutely adored.  She passed away when he was in his teens, but she has left such an imprint on his life.  As soon as we discovered this little life inside me was a girl, he was determined she would be named after his grandmother.  The name had to grow on me.  I considered add Rae to the middle name after my grandfather, who passed from this life the morning I first felt her move.  However Norma Rae sounds way too country for me!  : )
After sitting with the name and doing some research I found that Norma means “courage.”  I see her as courageous, I sense that will be one of her traits so the name began to fit.  I never met Daves grandmother, but every family member I meet speaks so highly of her.  She was obviously very influential in all of their lives.  I imagine that many of the qualities and characteristics that I love about my husband were imparted or molded by her.  I am sure if I had met her I would have adored her as well, and I know that I have her to thank in part for helping to shape such a wonderful husband for me…so Norma it is.

Stark – I discovered that Stark means “one with great strength.”  So appropriate for this little one.  From the beginning of my pregnancy as I prayed for her I knew she would be strong.  However, I do not feel like her strength means strong willed or rebellious.  I sense hers is a quiet, gentle strength.  A strength of character, a strength in confidence.  I feel she will have a sweet confidence, knowing who she is and whose she is…that confidence will give her a strength that will be unshakeable by peers or outside pressure. 

If you have any words or scriptures that you have for her we would love hear them!  Please email them to us or add as a comment to this post!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Any day now!

We are at 38 weeks....and now that it is safe for her to come, she has decided she likes her warm, cozy little womb.  Dave and I are very ready and excited to meet her.  

The other day I was cleaning my room and began to dust off my nightstand.  As I scanned over the books that sit there on the stand, I was overwhelmed by how amazing this year has been.  A year ago on my nightstand you would have found several books on how to deal with infertility.  Everything from dealing with grief to medical research.  Then a few months later the books changed to pregnancy books.  Now on my nightstand lay several books on babies and parenting.  What a difference a year makes.  What a story our nightstands tells!