Another wonderful edition to the Stark family is coming this November! After 4 years of trying to conceive we finally gave birth to our lovely daughter Eliana February 2012. We discovered in March that we were expecting this time with no medical help. A completely welcomed surprise!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Please agree with us in prayer

Dave and I spent today in the hospital.  I have been experiencing some contractions the past few days, but last night they were about 3 minutes apart.  Our doctor sent us into be checked and sure enough I was having consistent contractions.  It ends up that I have a bladder infection and that is probably what sent me into contractions.  The good news is I have not dialated yet, and baby and everything else look good.  
Right now I am back at home on rest for the next two days - hoping the bladder medicine helps clear things up.  We are at peace with everything, but our prayer is that she waits two more weeks: 1.  Because it is best for her little developing body.  2.  Because we don't want to be away from her when she is born and she her in the NIC unit for any amount of time.  : )
We have waited so long for her - we want to get to bond with her immediately and take her home with us.  So please agree with us that my body heals from this infection and holds off on anymore intense contractions!  Thanks

Dave and Jaylene

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Nuances of Pregnancy (Part 2)

Yes - I am discovering that there is even more that the books do not warn you about!  Like wedgies!  What are wedgies?  As a pregnant woman's body prepares for labor, her pelvis begins to stretch and her normal underwear no longer fits.  Lets just say, it is not fun to wake up every hour of the night to pick your undies out of your crack.  Then there is the pregnancy crawl.  As you get bigger, bending over is no fun.  So as you drop things, you stop to ponder.  "Is this going to pose potential harm to my pets?"  If not, you leave the item on the floor, until several items have fallen.  Then you revert to the crawl to pick everything up on floor level at one time.  So much easier on the knees and back then bending over 5 times a day.
Of course we cant end this post without another pee story.  The books should tell you to always wear a long sweater while pregnant in case you have the occasional leakage!  While shopping in Safeway the other day I experienced yet another awkward moment.  When I went into the store, I was fine. however seconds later I realized I had better leave the shopping cart and quickly find the restroom.  It came on so quick - no warning, and I didn't quite make it!  Thank goodness for long sweaters!  When I got home, I relayed the story to Dave and when I lifted my sweater he exclaimed: "What did you do that for?"  (Like I meant to do that)  yes I enjoy soiling myself in public places....not!  Anyways, my wise husband made a new rule......always go to the bathroom before you leave a place whether you feel like you have to go or not!  Good rule!  Should be in those pregnancy books!