Another wonderful edition to the Stark family is coming this November! After 4 years of trying to conceive we finally gave birth to our lovely daughter Eliana February 2012. We discovered in March that we were expecting this time with no medical help. A completely welcomed surprise!!

Friday, September 16, 2011


This past Sunday, I had the privilege of sharing our miracle with our church family.  It was such a gift to hear them celebrate what God has done along with us.  For us, this journey is very communal. So many friends and family have walked along side us these past four years.    There were friends from around the world praying for us, sending us encouraging notes, scriptures, and standing with us in faith.  Friends who took time to sit (and cry) with us and encourage us in our moments of discouragement.  Friends who stood in hope in the moments we felt all hope was gone.   Family members who helped us deal with the overwhelming medical costs.  Firefighters who covered shifts so Dave could be with me.
There were friends that set apart their busy days and traveled with me to Seattle for doctor appointments, and stayed overnight with me when Dave had to work.  Friends that cleaned our house, and brought us dinners.   And amazing friends who endured looking at needles and my bright white skin and gave me shots when Dave was unavailable. 
So many of you have been a part of this journey, you have invested yourselves into our dream, our daughter and we can never thank you enough.
Our hope is that doing this journey with us has inspired and encouraged your hearts. That you are reminded that nothing is impossible with God and that you too would see your dreams become a reality!
With incredibly thankful hearts,
The Starks!    

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ultrasound Yesterday .....and it's a???

Yesterday we had our level 2 ultrasound which looks in detail at the baby!  The tech began by looking at the heart, then the baby's head and mouth then onto the spine.  Dave and I were just in awe watching every little detail of our baby.  We are still just overwhelmed that our miracle is finally here.  One of the last things the tech checked was the gender.  And its a......GIRL!!!  She even peed for us while we were checking to prove that no little boy part was there!  I'm so proud!  I was in tears and Dave was beaming from ear to ear.  Such a special moment for us.  I had felt all along that baby was a girl, and when we saw her on the ultrasound and the way her hands were cradling her little face in such a dainty way.... I knew it had to be a little girl.
I have always felt, even long before I got married that I would have a little boy.  While I am totally excited and loving this pregnancy, because of how hard it was to get pregnant, in the back of my mind I have feared that this would be our only one.  Hearing it was a little girl, I felt God placed a reassurance in my heart that there would be more babies!
So baby girl Stark...she will have her father wrapped around her finger!  Dave did inform me that even though she was a girl he planned on teaching her to hunt.  Thank goodness we have Jill in our lives to model a feminine hunter.  (Our beautiful friend is an amazing hunter and yet looks like she stepped out of a glamour magazine at the same time!)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Prayers for my friend

Would you please join me in prayer for my dear friend Kari.  She is a month ahead of me and at her ultrasound this week they could not find the babies kidney or bladder.  Kari has been such a wonderful support to me the past few years as we have been trying for baby Stark.  I have so loved being pregnant at the same time and enjoying this new journey with her.
When I heard her report from the doctor today my heart says "its not the end for this little one."  Please join your faith and prayers with ours and believe for a creative miracle for this family.