Another wonderful edition to the Stark family is coming this November! After 4 years of trying to conceive we finally gave birth to our lovely daughter Eliana February 2012. We discovered in March that we were expecting this time with no medical help. A completely welcomed surprise!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Please agree with us in prayer

Dave and I spent today in the hospital.  I have been experiencing some contractions the past few days, but last night they were about 3 minutes apart.  Our doctor sent us into be checked and sure enough I was having consistent contractions.  It ends up that I have a bladder infection and that is probably what sent me into contractions.  The good news is I have not dialated yet, and baby and everything else look good.  
Right now I am back at home on rest for the next two days - hoping the bladder medicine helps clear things up.  We are at peace with everything, but our prayer is that she waits two more weeks: 1.  Because it is best for her little developing body.  2.  Because we don't want to be away from her when she is born and she her in the NIC unit for any amount of time.  : )
We have waited so long for her - we want to get to bond with her immediately and take her home with us.  So please agree with us that my body heals from this infection and holds off on anymore intense contractions!  Thanks

Dave and Jaylene

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Nuances of Pregnancy (Part 2)

Yes - I am discovering that there is even more that the books do not warn you about!  Like wedgies!  What are wedgies?  As a pregnant woman's body prepares for labor, her pelvis begins to stretch and her normal underwear no longer fits.  Lets just say, it is not fun to wake up every hour of the night to pick your undies out of your crack.  Then there is the pregnancy crawl.  As you get bigger, bending over is no fun.  So as you drop things, you stop to ponder.  "Is this going to pose potential harm to my pets?"  If not, you leave the item on the floor, until several items have fallen.  Then you revert to the crawl to pick everything up on floor level at one time.  So much easier on the knees and back then bending over 5 times a day.
Of course we cant end this post without another pee story.  The books should tell you to always wear a long sweater while pregnant in case you have the occasional leakage!  While shopping in Safeway the other day I experienced yet another awkward moment.  When I went into the store, I was fine. however seconds later I realized I had better leave the shopping cart and quickly find the restroom.  It came on so quick - no warning, and I didn't quite make it!  Thank goodness for long sweaters!  When I got home, I relayed the story to Dave and when I lifted my sweater he exclaimed: "What did you do that for?"  (Like I meant to do that)  yes I enjoy soiling myself in public places....not!  Anyways, my wise husband made a new rule......always go to the bathroom before you leave a place whether you feel like you have to go or not!  Good rule!  Should be in those pregnancy books!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Baby Stark - New picture

Baby at 27 weeks and 2 days!  She has her little hand in front of her cheek as if she is saying "no pictures please!"  Daddy and Mommy are so in love already!!  More great news.....Dave's brother and his wife are expecting as well!  How fun to have cousins so close in age... they are about 3 months behind us!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Nuances of Pregnancy (What the books do not tell you!)

           I have been reading several books on pregnancy throughout the past few months, and I am discovering issues that none of the books will tell you!  First, they do not tell you to invest in more pillows!  I started with one.  Now, on certain nights I have 5-6 including a body pillow.  The books will not tell you to invest in a King size bed!  As you add more and more pillows, if you don’t have a king size bed – there in no longer room for your hubby!  The books do not tell you how quickly you will go through clothes.  I have several pairs of pants that fit me one week and by appearance should last another month or so.  However, when I have tried them on the following week they no longer fit!  It is shocking to me – how quickly your little baby bump can grow!
The last issue the books give a clue to…but don’t really indicate how embarrassing of a situation it can.  Urine leakage!  Yes the books do say to wear pads.  However, my stubborn nature has been determined to beat this issue of leakage.  (I know – after so many accidents – I should just give in.)  Overall I have been doing better with my control issues – so the other morning when I went for a walk I was quite confident no pad was needed.  The first part of the walk was successful, and when I felt a sneeze coming on – I stopped and prepared my body…..with no problems.  It was seconds later that another sneeze came on without warning….and there went the leakage.  Yes, it is uncomfortable to walk home with wet undies.  Yet, what is more awkward is having to walk by a group of construction workers with piddle marks!  I want to create a T-shirt that on the front says “Yes, I’m Pregnant…..”  and the back “and yes…that is piddle.”

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pictures finally here!

Click on picture to see a larger view!

Our kitty has decided the baby bump is a great pillow!!  It is now her favorite part to curl up against!

Friday, September 16, 2011


This past Sunday, I had the privilege of sharing our miracle with our church family.  It was such a gift to hear them celebrate what God has done along with us.  For us, this journey is very communal. So many friends and family have walked along side us these past four years.    There were friends from around the world praying for us, sending us encouraging notes, scriptures, and standing with us in faith.  Friends who took time to sit (and cry) with us and encourage us in our moments of discouragement.  Friends who stood in hope in the moments we felt all hope was gone.   Family members who helped us deal with the overwhelming medical costs.  Firefighters who covered shifts so Dave could be with me.
There were friends that set apart their busy days and traveled with me to Seattle for doctor appointments, and stayed overnight with me when Dave had to work.  Friends that cleaned our house, and brought us dinners.   And amazing friends who endured looking at needles and my bright white skin and gave me shots when Dave was unavailable. 
So many of you have been a part of this journey, you have invested yourselves into our dream, our daughter and we can never thank you enough.
Our hope is that doing this journey with us has inspired and encouraged your hearts. That you are reminded that nothing is impossible with God and that you too would see your dreams become a reality!
With incredibly thankful hearts,
The Starks!    

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ultrasound Yesterday .....and it's a???

Yesterday we had our level 2 ultrasound which looks in detail at the baby!  The tech began by looking at the heart, then the baby's head and mouth then onto the spine.  Dave and I were just in awe watching every little detail of our baby.  We are still just overwhelmed that our miracle is finally here.  One of the last things the tech checked was the gender.  And its a......GIRL!!!  She even peed for us while we were checking to prove that no little boy part was there!  I'm so proud!  I was in tears and Dave was beaming from ear to ear.  Such a special moment for us.  I had felt all along that baby was a girl, and when we saw her on the ultrasound and the way her hands were cradling her little face in such a dainty way.... I knew it had to be a little girl.
I have always felt, even long before I got married that I would have a little boy.  While I am totally excited and loving this pregnancy, because of how hard it was to get pregnant, in the back of my mind I have feared that this would be our only one.  Hearing it was a little girl, I felt God placed a reassurance in my heart that there would be more babies!
So baby girl Stark...she will have her father wrapped around her finger!  Dave did inform me that even though she was a girl he planned on teaching her to hunt.  Thank goodness we have Jill in our lives to model a feminine hunter.  (Our beautiful friend is an amazing hunter and yet looks like she stepped out of a glamour magazine at the same time!)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Prayers for my friend

Would you please join me in prayer for my dear friend Kari.  She is a month ahead of me and at her ultrasound this week they could not find the babies kidney or bladder.  Kari has been such a wonderful support to me the past few years as we have been trying for baby Stark.  I have so loved being pregnant at the same time and enjoying this new journey with her.
When I heard her report from the doctor today my heart says "its not the end for this little one."  Please join your faith and prayers with ours and believe for a creative miracle for this family.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Allergies may pose potential harm to baby.....

I imagine when God created me, He had himself a little chuckle.  He made me with several odd quirks.  How often does a person have 10 extra permanent teeth in their mouth?  One of my odd quirks is my allergies.  I haven't struggled with my allergies in several year, however, in the past few weeks they have really flared up.  When I mentioned this to the doctor, she just gave me a knowing smile and said "yes that's common in pregnancy."
If you are a fellow allergy sufferer you will understand the common symptoms; watery eyes, stuffy nose, scratchy throat.  While I do eventually experience those symptoms, it is often my ears that are affected first - which throws off my perception and I walk straight into walls.  Yep, thats how I know my allergies are bad - I smack into walls.  Picture my parents watching their toddler repeatedly hitting a wall while trying to exit the room, or their teenage daughter open the door to leave the house and then run into the edge of the door.  Its a wonder they ever let me drive.
I have gotten used to this odd quirk, and even learned to find it humorous.  However, after smacking into a wall yesterday I realized this could potentially be bad the further I get along in my pregnancy.  Currently it is still my nose that is going to hit the wall first, but in a month or so - it will be baby belly that first reaches the wall.  So I have devised a plan!  Baby bumpers.  Yes, I will look strange walking around for the next 5 months with my hands sticking straight out.  So I am letting you all know now - no, I am not practicing a zombie pose.  (Dave and Milton, I am not reenacting scenes from Zombieland.)
Baby is all about keeping baby safe!

Monday, August 15, 2011

So thankful

As I lay in bed this morning, rubbing my tiny baby bump, I was overwhelmed with gratitude.  Our infertility journey was so long, and there were times we were not even sure I would be able to carry a baby.  We researched options, like adoption and weighed out what each option would mean for our family.  While there are many wonderful options out there to create families, to have the ability to nurture, care for and love this child from the very beginning is such a precious gift.  I get to control the prenatal care.  Dave and I daily get to speak to my little baby bump and tell this child how love and wanted they are.  Nana and Papa, auntie's and other dear friends from the beginning are on this journey with us - getting to speak love over this child while in the womb.  Thank you Lord that we get to experience this!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Prego & camping

Ahh the joys of camping while pregnant.  Why did I not think this one through?  I absolutely love camping.  It is one of the highlights of my summer.  So I didn't think it would be any different than the summers before when we finally got to go last week to our favorite campground - Ohanapecosh, at the base of Mt Rainer.
Pregnant women don't sleep well.  Even on matter how comfortable they were last summer.  Pregnant women feel every slope - especially if the cot is going down hill.  The smell of the woods and camp food - are not as pleasant when you are still experiencing some morning sickness!   Morning bacon....yuck!
And then......there is the camp bathroom.  I don't remember it being such a walk.  Camping and pregnancy 101 - wear pads!!!  camping and pregnancy 102 - sleep with tissue paper, hand sanitizer and the flashlight because you are not going to make it to the camp bathroom all 3 times you wake up in the middle of the night.  You tighten those muscles the best you can, un-zip the tent and run to the nearest bush!  (Remember to check and make sure your dog is still in the tent when you return, as you did not have time to zip the tent shut while running to pee and he may have escaped!!)
So funny story -  The second night, sometime early in the morning, Dave awoke to pee.  Desperate myself, I was excited to get to pee in the woods with my husband.  I love unique bonding experiences!  It was lighter outside then I expected, and Dave was going a little farther into the brush and trees.  I wanted to follow and have that bonding experience, but I was not going to make it any further.   So I ran to the nearest bush, a few feet from the tent and let go!  Ahhh....Instant relief!  It was then i heard a car door slam and realized our neighbors at the camp next door were already up, and I was in plain sight!
Normally i would be embarrassed that I had just exposed myself, but I could only laugh.  Hey - I was glad I made it out of the tent!